"Don't you knock?!?" |
EC? Huh? What’s that, you ask? EC stands for Elimination Communication, aka, infant potty training, aka, hippie-parenting non-sense (or so I thought). Yes, yes, I know, I am a non-sensical hippie-parent, but you see, I thought EC was taking it a little too far. It sounded great in theory. It resonated with my basic evolutionary perspective on life. I just didn’t think it would actually work well enough to be worth the effort. Plus, I think cloth-diaper butts are just too darned cute.
What changed my mind? Our trusty cloth diapers gave the Little Monster some gnarly heat rash. We decided to give her some diaper free time to help it clear up. I had read a little about EC while I was pregnant and put it on my “that might be nice to try” list. Well, this case of heat rash got me thinking more seriously about it.